My Side of the Maginot Line
Here's a list of the official World Cup sponsors.

If you’ve shelled out good money to sit through one of the games here in the fatherland (where beer truly is excellent, cheap, plentiful...all those good things, in addition to all of the bad things that go along with them—encouragement of the aping of 1930's style pack instincts, etc.), look closely...yeah, you’ll be drinking Budweiser (and not the decent Czechoslovakian kind either), or Coke naturally. As they say here, "It's your Heimspiel (home game), make it real."
Here’s the regulation ball, underglass...

The company the stadium is named after...

—in that weird 'we’ve just gone over the top with consumerism' kind of way—is not an official partner, therefore the normal stadium signage sits atop an art museum in town for the duration.

They take their partners very seriously here, in fact, I strongly suggest you do not come to Germany without an official partner in mind—I know the one I’ve got is indispensable.
Personally, I find every aspect of this tournament so abhorrent that I am leaving the continent, partner and all.
Not to criticize Germany mind you, because it really is nice here...everything's great...even the search engines are better.

If you’ve shelled out good money to sit through one of the games here in the fatherland (where beer truly is excellent, cheap, plentiful...all those good things, in addition to all of the bad things that go along with them—encouragement of the aping of 1930's style pack instincts, etc.), look closely...yeah, you’ll be drinking Budweiser (and not the decent Czechoslovakian kind either), or Coke naturally. As they say here, "It's your Heimspiel (home game), make it real."
Here’s the regulation ball, underglass...

The company the stadium is named after...

—in that weird 'we’ve just gone over the top with consumerism' kind of way—is not an official partner, therefore the normal stadium signage sits atop an art museum in town for the duration.

They take their partners very seriously here, in fact, I strongly suggest you do not come to Germany without an official partner in mind—I know the one I’ve got is indispensable.
Personally, I find every aspect of this tournament so abhorrent that I am leaving the continent, partner and all.
Not to criticize Germany mind you, because it really is nice here...everything's great...even the search engines are better.