Not a Food Blog
What to do while you're waiting for the refrigerator repairman. Steckerlfisch, grilled on a stick over open coals at a high percentage of local outdoor gatherings. This one is the typical mackerel, or Makrele as they say here...which sounds like macarena (if you said it fast, and substituted the 'n' with an 'l'). Complemented by butter and a big, fat, soft pretzel the size of your head (the Amerikanized version is just not the same).

Dessert? Zwetschkendatschi, Bavarian version of Pflaumenblechkuchen. Zwetschke being southern German/Austrian for Pflaume (plum), slices of which are arranged like shingles on a substrate of dough. Blech means steel plate or sheet metal, and Kuchen is cake natürlich.

Dessert? Zwetschkendatschi, Bavarian version of Pflaumenblechkuchen. Zwetschke being southern German/Austrian for Pflaume (plum), slices of which are arranged like shingles on a substrate of dough. Blech means steel plate or sheet metal, and Kuchen is cake natürlich.