The least I can do

Was sitting in a museum café with my infinitely superior half the other day, and repeated what I thought I’d heard, “I could come here and read the Grapes of Wrath?” expecting the usual hilarity. All you have to do here is repeat what you think you’ve heard (in English or German), the difference between perception and reality is almost guaranteed to be amusing. Seriously, even if you’re not easily amused, try it out. Go to a country where you couldn’t pronounce the word ‘higher’ if your life depended on it, not with a warning and a head start, nothing, no way…you’ll see what I mean. Anyway, the guy across from us was actually reading The Grapes of Wrath. He probably understood what I said, because I don’t think the subject would have come up had he been reading Früchte des Zorns (Fruit of Spleen)...or Die Straße der Ölsardinen (The Street of Oil Sardines). But it wasn’t embarrassing, almost nothing is, in a place where grasping things cannot be taken for granted. Not even flying off your bike, should a small, poorly supervised dog stop dead in its tracks in front of you (Die Fahrt der Beagle).