Fröhliche Weihnachten! (a command)

You can refer to any number of sites which will tell you that Thomas Hampson grew up in Spokane, and who he studied under...but not that he speaks German quite well. However, I was told he did make a gender error or two (adjective endings and the like), and I myself could just tell that his native language was probably English--and yet too boring to be the British variety. These native English speakers who hold their own in German are rare, and worth watching. They are rare, even though integration is "encouraged"--especially if you speak a language the Germans were not pounded over the head with from early childhood.
There are a lot of things between the idea and the reality here, like the concern over one's laser printer emitting harmful particulate matter...when, on the other hand, you don't have to smoke to smoke--just walk into any restaurant. Which is fine, but then don’t sit around worrying about your health. Or how specialists can spend years studying the inclination of campaigns promoting nationalism to lead to xenophobia, and yet no one ever points to the fact that drinking heavily (on the street) and scaring the crap out of people (with or without violence), has been a major part of growing up here for centuries. Granted, I can’t talk, as I come from a place where violence is primarily allocated to certain areas...and, as long as you don’t live in them, the system works great.

Anyway, like I said, Merry Christmas.